Check it out:
Other Info:
- Each participant belongs to a team (Province).
- The Provinces are: Gavony, Stensia, Kessig and Nephalia.
- Players in each Province are restricted to two specific colours.
- Gavony: Green/White, Stensia: Red/Black, Kessig: Red/Green, Nephalia: Blue/Black
- On the Campaign Map, each Province has a number of Territories.
- Every Territory has a number of Control Points.
- To fully control a Territory, your Province must own all of its Control Points.
- At the beginning of each Round, every territory you fully control generates Gold.
- Every Province starts with only its Capital city/territory fully controlled.
- Most Territories generate less Gold per Round compared to your Capital.
- Capital Cities are as follows (Province - Capital):
- [Gavony - Thraben]
- [Kessig - Gatstaf]
- [Nephalia - Seagraf Port]
- [Stensia - Stensia Bloodhall]
- Territories are categorized by Type - Gold per Turn - Control Points:
- Capital - 10 Gold - 5 Points. (Unique)
- Quarry - 5 Gold - 3 Points. (High Gold per Turn)
- Bastion - 3 Gold - 3 Points. (Essential to defending the Province)
- Hotspot - 8 Gold - 2 Points. (Strategical choke points, literal hotspots)
- Special - 3 Gold - 3 Points. (Unlocks cards)
- Port - 5 to 8 Gold - 2 to 3 Points. (Trade Centres)
- Normal - 3 Gold - 3 Points. (No bonuses)
- Small - 2 Gold - 2 Points. (Neutral only)
- Certain Territories have gameplay modifications. All matches played on such Territories will have at least 1 global effect. Think of it as an permanent Enchantment that you can't get rid of.
- For example: When a match occurs in The Grotto: All basic lands gain the ability to tap for any colour of mana.
- For example: When a match occurs in Hollowhenge: All players start with -5 to their life totals and +1 to their maximum hand size. Also, cards with the word "Devil" on them cost 1 (colourless) mana less to cast.
- All Capitals have a special ability. This ability can only be used once per turn at SORCERY speed, and only by the Province that owns the capital.
- The Territories named after nonbasic lands from Innistrad (Kessig Wolf Run, Nephalia Drownyard and Gavony Township) have the corresponding land's ability. These abilities can only be used at SORCERY speed and only once per turn.
- Bastion Territories may be upgraded to provide the player of the Province that owns it a 1/1 Soldier creature token at the beginning of every game.
- Each Province leader decides what Upgrades to purchase, if any. These upgrades are announced to everyone. Upgrades cost a substantial amount of gold. During this step, if it is the beginning of an event, Province leaders may tell the GM what cards they wish to unlock as well. Cards may only be unlocked during this step in the first Round of an event.
- Each Province leader (in private, with their respective teams) assigns the members of his/her team to either Attack or Defense.
- Attacking players must also be assigned a target Territory.
- Defending players are deployed wherever necessary. They are not assigned a specific Territory.
- Leaders must assign at least 1 Defender each Round.
- Every player must defend at least once each Event.
- Provinces must occupy half (rounded up) of their Province's Territories before they can attack Territories outside their Province.
- Attacking players may only be assigned targets adjacent to Territories you already have at least 1 Control Point in.
- Example
- If Kessig controls at least 1 point in Nephalia Drownyard (on the map), then Kessig may assign players to attack Hinterland Harbor, Erdwal, Seagraf Port and Havengul.
- Single Attack Rule: Only one player may be assigned to attack a target Territory for each Territory you control that borders it.
- The number of players assigned to attack a Territory may not exceed the number of control points on it that you do not own.
- Example:
- If Kessig controls at least 1 point in Nephalia Drownyard, then Kessig may assign only 1 player to attack Erdwal.
- If Kessig also controls at least 1 point Somberwald (northeast of Erdwal), then it may assign 2 players in total to attack Erdwal.
- Erdwal has 3 control points. If Kessig also controls at least 1 point in Woodland Cemetery, then it may assign 3 players in total to attack Erdwal.
- Supply Line Rule: Each Territory you control must always be adjacent to another Territory you control. If your Supply Line is disrupted, you will be unable to defend the cut-off Territory.
- Example:
- Gavony fully controls Thraben and has 1 control point in each Estwald, the Grotto, Wolf Run and Woodland Cemetery.
- Kessig assigns two players to attack The Grotto and both succeed. Gavony no longer controls any control points in The Grotto. Gavony becomes unable to defend Wolf Run and Woodland Cemetery. Any attacks on Gavony-owned control points in Wolf Run and Woodland Cemetery are automatically successful.
- Contested War Zone Rule: You may attack any Territory adjacent to one you have at least 1 control point in. But, if your Territory is contested (another Province holds at least 1 control point in the same Territory), you cannot perform attacks from that Territory.
- Example:
- Nephalia fully controls Wolf Run and holds 1 control point in The Grotto. Gavony also holds 1 control point in The Grotto. Nephalia may only attack Hollowhenge from Wolf Run, but not from The Grotto, as it is an active war zone at the moment.
- When players are assigned to attack another Province's Territory, they first attack a free control point if there are any (this is defended against by the Province's defenders). Then, they would attack any other enemy-owned control points. This means each Province has an innate advantage within their own boundaries.
- If there are multiple Provinces attacking the same Territory, there may be a conflict. If there are enough defenders, a game of 2 Headed Giant may occur. Also, Province leaders may confer before submitting their orders, if they wish to form temporary alliances attacking a Territory. If there are not enough defenders, then it is up to the GM to decide what happens.
- A note about neutral Territories: That's what the GM team is for. GMs have no locked cards, just colour restrictions.
- Special Provincial rules:
- No Province, save Stensia, may attack a Territory along the Geier Reaches (the mountain range), without going through Geier Pass or Geier Peaks from Evernight Forest.
- For example: Gavony cannot attack Tirisfal Glades through Isolated Chapel, unless they control Geier Pass, Ragefire Chasm and Rock Bottom.
- Stensia is the Province of Vampires. Vampires are the ruling aristocracy on Innistrad. Also, they can fly. Stensia is also immune to the Supply Line Rule. Stensia can only be attacked through Evernight Pass in the north or Dragonfall Pass/Onyx Forest in the south.
- Gavony is the Province of Humans. Thraben is the largest city in Innistrad. Thraben also houses the Cathedral of Avacyn. Gavony has the richest lands in Innistrad, but is geographically situated between all three of its enemies. All territories fully controlled by Gavony produce 1 bonus gold per turn.
- Nephalia is the Province of the Unhallowed. Ghoulcallers and skaab-stitchers roam the land, terrorizing its human population. Once Nephalia has full control of Havengul, they may assign use Havengul's port to assign 1 player to attack any Port or Eyrie Territory each Round (Excluding Neutral territories).
- Kessig is the Province of Werewolves. Werewolves are running rampant throughout Innistrad. Hollowhenge (previously Avabruck) was a rich human city, before the werewolves leveled it. Kessig is the largest Province in Innistrad, with 9 Territories. Once per turn, Kessig may assign 1 player to attack any adjacent Territory, ignoring the Single Attack Rule.
- Each Province submits their orders to the GM. The GM checks for conflicts in the orders.* Then the GM announces each Province's orders and assigns pairings.
- *Note: There shouldn't be any conflicts until the later phases of the Campaign.
- When attacking other Provinces, even if they do not control the Territory, that Province's defender may be able to defend it.
- When attacking a Territory within your own border (in the beginning stages), other Provinces' defenders are randomly assigned to defend it.
- The priority in which defenders are assigned to Territories are as follows:
- Your capital.
- Your supply line Territories.
- Your other Territories - your control points.
- Your other Territories - free control points.
- Your Province's enemy-controlled Territories - free control points.
- Your Province's uncontrolled Territories.
- Other Territories.
- Defenders are assigned to each Attacker until there are no more to assign of one or both.
- The GM will try not to pair two people together more than once an event. Sometimes this cannot be avoided.
- Attackers with no Defenders assigned are automatically successful.
- Attacker and defender play a best-of-3 Match.
- Allotted time limit per Match: 50 Minutes. Please play at a reasonable pace.
- Resolution Phase. Match results are reported. The GM records match results and announces any Territories completely taken over by Provinces. The GM also updates each Province on requirements they may have met, such as Upgrade Requirements, Nonbasic Land unlock requirements, the ability to attack other Provinces, etc. All of this information is public. The GM updates the map's control points.
- Neutral Movement Phase. Garruk and Liliana (as well as Olivia and Grimgrin) move to a random (or perhaps not-so-random) Territory on the map. They will be explained at a later date.
It's up to you guys to elect your own leader. Inform me of your decisions at the event next Friday.
Curtis Bowman
Cameron Yeates
Adam Seibert
Ricky Huynh
Joseph Luong
Valavan Kugathasan
Alix Crousette
Steve Chui
Michael Black
Janson Chung
Sean Brackenborough
Ilija Jovanovic
Justin Auyeung
Matthew Woods
Eric Li
David Hy
Ben Cope
Other unassigned participants
Alex Cool
Teresa Rittemann
Julie McCann
GM Team
Nolan Raess
Tommy Liu
hey tommy its Ilija, i'de like to join the Kessig team and just fyi that i wont be able to show up for the first event